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Resources for Mentors

Tools and resources for mentors supporting students preparing for a career in healthcare

The Benefits of Mentoring Students

Whether mentoring a student first embarking on their career exploration journey or in the midst of a clinical internship, sharing your time with students is a great way to give back to your community and be part of the growth of young professionals. Students enrolled in work-based learning programs for healthcare careers benefit tremendously from the guidance of attentive and supportive industry mentors.

Mentors help students strategize and plan for career decisions, network with other healthcare professionals, draft resumes, and much more. Mentors also find the experience personally rewarding, being able to learn from their mentees and take pride in being part of their mentee’s accomplishments. 

Download all resources for mentors by clicking the button below, or select individual documents or bundles in the sections that follow.

Download All Mentoring Resources

The single most important aspect of the program was my relationship with my mentee. It was a truly amazing opportunity to learn from a young person who moves through the world with so much humility and thoughtfulness!
— Eushavia Bogan, mentor 2020-21

Mentoring Basics

Nurturing and advising students interested in exploring healthcare career pathways can be a fulfilling way to put your own expertise to use and to help cultivate a new generation of healthcare professionals. These “Mentoring Basics” tools are designed to help you get started as a mentor, offering guidance on best practices for mentor-mentee relationships, particularly in the context of work-based learning.

Core Principles of Mentoring

Expectations of Mentees

Expectations of Mentors

Mentoring Scenarios

Sample NYACH Ready for Healthcare Mentorship Program Agreement (For Mentees)

Sample NYACH Ready for Healthcare Mentorship Program Agreement (For Mentors)

Download All Mentoring Basics Materials

Mentoring for Professional Skills and Etiquette

Designed for use by participating students, these materials can help guide learners through work-based learning milestones, including resume-writing, interviewing, and starting a job in a professional healthcare environment. Use them as reference to inform your mentorship meetings as your mentee reaches these and other milestones.

Considerations When Working with High School Students

How to Write Your First Resume

Common Interview Questions

Dressing Professionally

Email Etiquette Tips

Thank You Email Tips and Template

Telephone Etiquette Tips

Reminders When Working in a Healthcare Setting

Workplace Scenarios

Download All Professional Skills Mentoring Materials

Additional Tools & Resources

Including resources for students graduating from high school (particularly in the New York area) and looking for support with post-graduation plans.

Optional Career Planning Tools

Optional Career Readiness Supports

Tips for Writing Student Letters of Recommendations

Download All Additional Tools and Resources

NYACH’s Ready for Healthcare initiative was funded as part of JPMorgan Chase’s New Skills for Youth initiative.