for Healthcare
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Workplace Tour
Resources for employers, educators, and students hosting or participating in workplace tours and visits
Why offer workplace tours?
Activities that take place virtually or on high school campuses—like guest speaker events—can make career exploration more accessible to students.
Seeing healthcare professionals in their ‘real-life’ work environments, however, encourages students to make the connection between what they’ve learned in school settings and what actually happens on the ground in a healthcare setting.
After hearing about a range of healthcare professions during classroom activities, workplace tours allow students to delve deeper.
The Ready for Healthcare Workplace Tour Toolkit materials cover:
the purpose of a workplace tour
pre-tour research and preparation for students and educators
student active listening and notetaking
types of healthcare professions and associated responsibilities
sample activities and agendas for employers hosting workplace tours
professional networking skills for students
reflection and evaluation
Download some or all of these resources in the “Tools & Materials” section below.
Tools & Materials
The Workplace Tour Activity Toolkit includes:
an activity guide and sample activities for host employers to use during the tour
a sample workplace tour agenda
a guide for educators, including learning objectives and plans for guided activities that students complete before, during, and after a workplace tour, as well as student assessment resources
a checklist for educators preparing for site visits
a student packet with activity worksheets and other guided resources
evaluation templates for employers, educators, and students to reflect on the efficacy of the workplace tour
Each tool is available as an editable Microsoft Word .docx file. You can download all of the resources as a compressed .zip package or as individual files.
Learning & Teaching Guides
Educator Guide for Workplace Tours
Student Packet for Workplace Tours
Workplace Activity Guides for Hosting Employers
Workplace Tour Logistics
On-Site Visit Preparation Checklist for Educators
NYC Department of Education Work-Based Learning Travel and Media Consent Form
Evaluation Templates
Post-Event Educator Evaluation
NYACH’s Ready for Healthcare initiative was funded as part of JPMorgan Chase’s New Skills for Youth initiative.